Here goes...
Looking back on my time at Bordelle I think that it’s safe to say that the positives most definitely out-weigh the negatives however I am certainly anything but replete after this experience.
It was such an exciting change to be taken every morning through the winding corridors of the Kent railways to the beautiful city of London.
For all I moaned about the early mornings and late nights it was nice to not have to worry about anything. No deadlines etc. But the return to university life was not something that I looked forward to.
I felt so at home in that cosy studio with it’s beautiful view; through the windows behind me I could see right across the often golden patio…to the door, from whence the smokers came and more than often went (on the odd occasion that one did lock themselves out, I took great pleasure from the sight of their faces at the window as they sheepishly procured a means of telecommunication. We didn’t have access to said patio so we were made all the more smug when such an occurrence took place). From the window directly in front, I could see… my sewing station. Sigh.
The memory of my time at Bordelle manifests itself as a pain in the…lower back! I’m confident however that this will leave me within the next few decades.
But on a more serious note, the experience was an extremely useful one even if at times not completely positive.
It was, first and foremost, a great insight into a company that is currently at a level that I wish to be at one day.
It was also a fun exploit pushing myself out of my ‘comfort’ zone and into something that I hoped would enhance my skills set and give a little more ‘power to my elbow’ as they say. I would definitely say that this placement has sparked the beginning of a completely new passion if nothing more and has definitely instilled me with a little more wisdom.
I really enjoyed being given such great responsibilities and feeling confident in my ability to deliver. I did at times however, and even now, wish that I had been given a greater variety of jobs to do but it has become clear to me that it is all a matter of unfortunate timings; I was hired at a time when there was nothing much to do apart from sew.
Luckily, I got on very well with the entire team and will undoubtedly return indefinitely.
Having had a lot of in-depth and occasionally inebriated conversations with the designer I learnt a lot about those unfavourable experiences that can come from being a freelance designer; I now have a lot of admiration for the man in question and a better idea of what to expect from future careers.
It seems that one of the biggest challenges, not only that I faced, but that I observed was primarily that of communication; in particular between people of different nationalities. This too is something that I shall be wary of in the future…
Until next time…